Radar for Helicopters

Is that the police helicopter? Find out what's flying near you and receive alerts when you have one nearby.

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Uncensored and precise

All the 14.000 antennas that make up our network are uncensored, in collaboration with ADSBExchange. If an antenna detects it, it will appear on the radar.


No accessories, no installation

Just open the browser in your car and you're good to go. Without accessories nor installation, open it when you want and close it when you don't.


Radar with precise location

Helicopters are shown on the radar relative to your position. If a helicopter appears on the right side of the radar, it's on your right in the real world.


Privacy First

You remain anonymous, anonymization protects your data, and your location is NEVER stored.

Do you want more?


  • Essential helicopter detection
  • Intuitive visual alerts
  • Real time tracking
  • Privacy protection
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🎉 Release promotion: 12,99€
  • No censoring of any aircraft
  • Show location in the radar
  • Picture of the actual aircraft
  • Sound alerts in your phone
  • iOS and Android apps
  • Lifetime access
Premium forever